
Token Overview:

  • Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 $VDX tokens.

Token Distribution:

  1. Seed Round:

    • Raise: $300,000

    • Supply: 60,000,000 tokens (6% of total supply)

    • Price: $0.005 per token

    • Tokens Released at TGE: 5% (3,000,000 tokens)

    • Monthly Release: 3,888,888.89 tokens

    • Value Released Per Month: $38,888.89

  2. Strategic Round:

  • Raise: $400,000

  • Supply: 50,000,000 tokens (5% of total supply)

  • Price: $0.008 per token

  • Tokens Released at TGE: 10% (5,000,000 tokens)

  • Monthly Release: 3,888,888.89 tokens

  • Value Released Per Month: $38,888.89

  1. Public Round:

  • Raise: $400,000

  • Supply: 40,000,000 tokens (4% of total supply)

  • Price: $0.010 per token

  • Tokens Released at TGE: 15% (6,000,000 tokens)

  • Monthly Release: 5,666,666.67 tokens

  • Value Released Per Month: $56,666.67

  1. Team:

  • Allocation: 140,000,000 tokens (14% of total supply)

  • Monthly Release: 3,888,888.89 tokens

  1. Liquidity:

  • Allocation: 100,000,000 tokens (10% of total supply)

  • Tokens Released at TGE: 20% (20,000,000 tokens)

  • Monthly Release: 13,333,333.33 tokens

  • Value Released Per Month: $200,000

  1. DAO Fund:

  • Allocation: 180,000,000 tokens (18% of total supply)

  • Monthly Release: 3,750,000 tokens

  1. Community Rewards:

  • Allocation: 250,000,000 tokens (25% of total supply)

  • Monthly Release: 6,944,444.44 tokens

  1. Advisors & Consultants:

  • Allocation: 70,000,000 tokens (7% of total supply)

  • Monthly Release: 2,916,666.67 tokens

  1. Marketing, Acquisitions, Partnerships:

  • Allocation: 80,000,000 tokens (8% of total supply)

  • Monthly Release: 3,333,333.33 tokens

  1. Referral Program:

  • Allocation: 20,000,000 tokens (2% of total supply)

  • Monthly Release: 833,333.33 tokens

  1. Community Airdrop:

  • Allocation: 20,000,000 tokens (2% of total supply)

  • Monthly Release: 833,333.33 tokens

Core Metrics:

  • Total Token Supply: 1,000,000,000 tokens

  • Circulating Supply at TGE: 34,000,000 tokens

  • Initial Market Cap: $340,000

  • Fully Diluted Market Cap (FDMC): $10,000,000


  • 1st Year Emissions: 30.03%

  • 2nd Year Emissions: 26.48%

Token Release Schedule:

  • Private Sale:

    • Starts with 20% at TGE, then 5% periodically.

  • Strategic / KOLs:

    • Begins with 20%, followed by increments of 13.33%.

  • Public Sale:

    • Commences with 25%, followed by 12.50% distributions.

  • Team:

    • Releases start after a delay, with 5% distributions at set intervals.

  • Liquidity:

    • 20% available at TGE.

  • Other categories:

    • Specified release schedules reflecting a gradual distribution to prevent market saturation and align with the project's development milestones.

Emission and Deflationary Mechanisms

Emission Rate:

  • Set a fixed emission rate per block to reward liquidity providers and other participants on the platform.

Deflationary Mechanisms:

  • Buyback and Burn:

    • A portion of the trading fees used to buy back and burn $VDX tokens periodically.

    • Performance fees from Initial Farm Offerings (IFOs) used to buy back and burn $VDX tokens.

    • A percentage of the profits from other VersaDex offerings used for buybacks and burns, reducing the total supply of $VDX over time.


  1. Trading Rewards:

    • A percentage of the emission distributed to traders on the platform.

  2. Staking Rewards:

    • Stakers rewarded with a portion of the emissions, incentivizing long-term holding and participation.

  3. Other Rewards:

    • Additional rewards allocated to various other activities on the platform, such as participation in governance, providing liquidity, etc.

DAO Governance

  1. Proposal Submission:

    • $VDX holders can submit proposals for community consideration. Proposals range from protocol upgrades, funding requests for new projects, to community engagement initiatives.

  2. Voting:

    • $VDX holders vote on proposals based on their token holdings. A minimum quorum and majority required for proposal approval.

  3. Fund Management:

    • The DAO fund managed collectively by the community, with decisions on fund allocation made through a democratic voting process.

  4. Transparency:

    • All proposals, voting, and fund allocations will be transparent and verifiable on-chain, fostering trust and engagement within the community.

Last updated